The On-line Journal Modelling the New Europe – Issue no. 9 – is now available!


A new number of our Journal is out. We would like to use this opportunity to thank to all our collaborators for their involvement in this project.



  1.  Bogdan DUMITRU: The European Integration of Romania in the thinking of Adrian Marino
  2. Paula MUREȘAN: The first steps towards a European Identity
  3. Dragoş PĂUN: Depuis la Communauté Économique et Sociale jusqu’à la Communauté des Valeurs. La Crise Économique-Financière  – un accélérateur d’un nouveau paradigme?
  4. Marian SFETCU: Depreciation impact professional public auditors – European requirement to improve performance internal audit
  5. Anca STÂNGACIU: The Europeanisation of Romania and the perspective of Nation Brand 


  6. Marius POPA: History of Generation 2000 in Romanian poetry. A new paradigm for Europe
  7. Ștefan MANȚA: The structure of the insurance market in Romania– Guarantee (Bail insurance)
  8. Mihaela ȘARLEA: The importance of technological trade through the impact of nanotechnologies

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