
On-line Journal Modelling the New Europe no.16/2015 is now available!

  Dear colleagues, On-line Journal Modelling the New Europe no. 16/2015, on the topic of  Small Business Management Performance in a European Context   –  is now available! We would like to use this opportunity to thank our collaborators for their involvement in this project, especially our guest editor: Nicoleta Dorina RACOLŢA-PAINA, Associate Professor, PhD Faculty ( more… )

On-line Journal Modelling the New Europe no.15/2015 is now available!

Dear colleagues, On-line Journal Modelling the New Europe  no 15/2015: Disintegration and Integration in East-Central Europe (1919-post-1989)    –  is now available! The number is dedicated to the second edition of the International Colloquium ”DISINTEGRATION AND INTEGRATION IN EAST-CENTRAL EUROPE” – 23-25 October 2014 CONTENTS I. Valentin NAUMESCU: THE POST-VILNIUS EUROPEAN UNION’S EASTERN ( more… )

On-line Journal Modelling the New Europe no. 11/2014: Transatlantic windows and mirrors: resistant pasts, unsettled futures is now available!

Dear colleagues, The second issue of our journal for 2014 –Transatlantic windows and mirrors: resistant pasts, unsettled futures  is now available! We would like to use this opportunity to thank our collaborators for their involvement in this project, especially our guest editors: Prof. dr. Marius Jucan, Lecturer dr. Gabriel C. Gherasim,   CONTENTS  Lucian ( more… )

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