The Journal

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The Journal was founded in 2010 as an international academic publication accompanying Professor’s Nicolae Păun Jean Monnet ad Personam Chair and is dedicated to research subjects concerning the European Union, having the European integration process, European policies and the EU political design as a points of focus.

The journal is being edited by the Faculty of European Studies (Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Romania) and promotes original research papers that study European topics from either an economic, political, social or cultural perspective.

No fees are asked for the processing and publishing of the materials submitted by authors.

Beginning with 2019, the Journal is to be published with a frequency of three issues per year (April, September and December).

Submitted articles will be subject to a rigorous peer reviewed process. Article having more than three authors should be accompanied by an explanation of the role of each author, the editorial committee retaining the right to assess it and its compliance to the journal’s editorial approach.

ISSN – L 2247-0514


Please send your contributions to email address:












Current issue: 

No. 45 September 2024

Past issues:

No. 44 April 2024

No. 43 December 2023

No. 42 September 2023

No. 41 April 2023

No. 40 December 2022

No. 39 September 2022

No. 38 April  2022

No. 37 December 2021

No. 36 September 2021

No. 35 April 2021

No. 34 December 2020

No. 33 September 2020

No. 32 April 2020

No. 31 December 2019

No. 30 September 2019

No. 29 April 2019

No. 28 December 2018

 No. 27 September 2018

No. 26 June 2018

No. 25 March 2018













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